Baptist Church
Pastor Geoff and his family have been at MBC since the spring of 2008. He graduated from Northland Baptist Bible College of Dunbar, WI with a Bachelor of Arts in Missions and from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary of Lansdale, PA with a Master of Divinity. Pastor Geoff became the Senior Pastor of MBC in February of 2017 after serving as the Assistant Pastor for nine years. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Pamela, and their five kids. He also enjoys biking, woodworking, and home improvement projects.
Pastor Daniel and his family moved to Greenwood Wisconsin in the fall of 2017 and became the Assistant Pastor at Missionary Baptist in January of 2018. He grew up on a small farm ten miles outside of Greenwood and attended Missionary Baptist all his life until going to New Tribes Bible Institute in Waukesha Wisconsin in 2015. He enjoys outdoor activities, music, and spending time with his wife Jenna, and their two kids.
Something is wrong. We all know it. American life expectancy is declining for a third straight year. Birth rates are dropping. Nearly half of us think the other political party isn’t just wrong; they’re evil. We’re the richest country in history, but we’ve never been more pessimistic. What’s causing the despair?
A careful guide through Scripture, hand in Hand shows us why God’s sovereignty and meaningful human choice work together in a beautiful way.
The closer we look at the Robertson family, the more we discover the substance and authenticity below the surface of these well-known TV characters. Jase gives us a deep look behind his funnyman exterior. In addition to stories of life in the Robertson family and epic tales of hunting of all kinds, listeners will get an inside look at his personal faith in the Creator of the outdoors he so dearly loves.
"The end of the world is coming." From roadside signs to science fiction films, this slogan underscores our society’s nervous fascination with the future.
For Christians, however, the end of the world should be anything but dreadful. In fact, it should be something we look forward to. Why?
We are Gospel-centered worshiping people. The Gospel is the record of God's revelation and glory as the creator being put to death in the greatest act of human evil, the crucifixion of Jesus.
When we say Gospel-centered we mean that the Christian life is, from beginning to end, a response to Jesus' death for us. It is not self-help or self-improvement. It is God doing everything to save us from sin. It is the good news of God's appointed Savior for all of us - Jesus. He is the Gospel.
If the Gospel is the truth and the most important message in history - what values grow out of that message? Here is our short list:
1. Encouragement - The story of God's saving grace for us in Jesus should lead us to encourage each other.
2. Humility - Nothing seems to be more opposed to the Gospel than pride. We could do nothing to rescue ourselves from sin. God has done it all, even when we deserved judgment. How can we be proud?
3. Authenticity - Becoming a Christian means admitting that we are far worse than we have ever thought. Therefore, we do not need to work so hard at impressing others. We can be real.
4. Community - The Gospel informs me that I am not able to save myself. God must do it all. It also says I cannot grow as a Christian alone. I need the help of others in the church. The Gospel should lead us to community. The Gospel creates communities where the relationships demonstrate the beauty of Christ.
5. Service - The God who made us stooped to become a man and a slave, even to the point of dying the most shameful death imaginable. So, we should not be people who seek the highest place or bring our self-importance and ambitions into the church.
6. Mission - The Gospel is designed to increase. Churches are to multiply. We do not think we are called to get comfortable in this life. We are commissioned with the same redemptive mission as Jesus.
Our History
Our church history goes back to 1955. James Cooper conducted the first service in the Stabnow Funeral Home in Greenwood on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1955.
In 1956 the church purchased one and a half acres on the north edge of town and renovated the Greenwood Hotel and this became the first church building. In 1973 the Lord opened the door to build a new and larger auditorium next to that church building.
The growth over the last 40 years has produced multiple building projects and added to our opportunity for ministry. The Lord continued to pour out his blessing on the work, and in February 1995 the church dedicated another auditorium much larger than the previous one.
In 2000 the church added on a multipurpose building which has been a great blessing to the ministry and fellowship of the growing church family.
Today, Missionary Baptist Church is a thriving testimony that God is always changing lives. Words could not describe God’s goodness in this place, and all of the glory belongs to God. The lives changed, the families rescued, and the victories won have all been by God’s amazing grace. To Him be all the glory for His wonderful works at Missionary Baptist Church.
Our Beliefs
The following paragraphs simply summarize what we believe as a church family. We believe the Bible and teach it to be perfectly true. Every belief and teaching of Missionary Baptist Church flows from God’s Word. For a more detailed account and description of our doctrine, feel free to request a doctrinal statement from the church office.
The Bible
We believe the Bible to be the revealed Word of God, fully and verbally inspired of God. We believe the Scriptures to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God. We believe God not only inspired every word but has preserved them through the ages. We believe in the importance of depending on Gods precious truth for all things (Psalm 12:6-7; II Timothy 3:15-17).
We believe in one God, who is eternal, self-existent, infinite, and immutable. We believe He has one nature, one essence, and one substance, yet manifests Himself to man in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; I Timothy 1:17; James 1:17; I John 4:4).
We believe Jesus Christ to be the one and only Savior of mankind. We believe Jesus Christ to be eternally God and to possess all the attributes of Deity. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was virgin born, that He was God incarnate, and that the purposes of the incarnation were to reveal God, to redeem men, and to rule over God's kingdom all for the glory of God. We believe Jesus Christ never relinquished any attributes of His Deity but merely veiled them. We believe He lived a perfect, sinless life, at the end of which He was offered for all mankind as a substitutionary sacrifice for man's sin. This sacrifice was a just payment to. It was activated by His death through the shedding of His blood on the cross and was accepted by God upon His resurrection. God the Son ascended into Heaven after His resurrection to be seated at the right hand of the Father, waiting for the time of receiving His church at the rapture (Psalm 2:7-9; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, 43:11; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:25; Luke 1:26-35; John 1:1, 1:3, 14, 18, 29; Romans 3:19-25; Romans 5:6-15; Philippians 2:5-11; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Timothy 2:5; I Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:10-15; Hebrews 7:26, 9:24-28; I Peter 1:19, 2:2; I John 1:3; Revelation 20:1-6).
The Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit of God is a person who has personality and all the attributes of Deity. We believe the Holy Spirit has always been involved in the affairs of mankind. However, He has a special ministry which began at Christ's ascension and will continue until the rapture. This ministry includes convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit was also sent to regenerate, sanctify, seal, and fill all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:5-6; John 14:16; Acts 1:5; Acts 11:15; I Corinthians 3:16; I Corinthians 6:19-20; I Corinthians 12:13).
Sin and Salvation
We believe all men were born with an inherited sin nature received from our common ancestor, Adam. We believe that because of his nature, man is a sinner by choice, and he is totally incapable of reforming himself or ceasing from his sin by his own power. We believe the only hope of deliverance for man is a total redemption by turning to Jesus Christ as the only Savior. We believe that only through the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ on the cross can a man be delivered from his sin. We believe that all those who reject Jesus Christ as their Savior are already condemned for all eternity (Genesis 5:1-5; Acts 4:19; Acts 16:31; Romans 3:10-23; Romans 5:6-12; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-6; Revelation 20:11-14).
The New Testament Church
We believe the church began and was empowered on the day of Pentecost. We believe the local church is God's primary institution to carry out His work today. We believe the local church is composed of members who have been saved and baptized according to the command of Christ, and have voluntarily united together for the purposes of worship, fellowship, and service. (Matthew 16:16-18; Acts 1:15; Acts 2:41-43; Acts 11:15; Acts 20:28; I Corinthians 15: 51-58; Ephesians 1:12-14; Ephesians 5:25-30; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Timothy 3:4-15).